Do I have to come forever?
If we find a problem with your spine and nervous system that we can help you with, our goal is to correct the problem as quickly and safely as possible.
Your comfort is vital to that process. The last thing was want to do is use too much force, twisting or torque which is actually counter productive to the adjustment process. The more your body is at ease during the adjustment the better!
There are 3 factors to be considered in answering this question.
1. What are your goals?
2. How long has your problem been there?
3. The results of your COREscore and Neuro-Spinal Examination
Of course, we can’t predict the future, but we can share the past successes we’ve had with previous practice members.
For many people there are immediate changes after their first spinal check-up and correction. For some, it has taken longer.
On average, we can confidently say that the vast majority of practice members notice changes between the first 4-8 weeks of care. The most common initial improvements are:
— Improved sleep
— More energy
— Clearer thinking
— Less pain
— Better mobility
Our practice members come for as long as they’d like to be checked for nerve interference. It’s your health, you have control over the process. You and your family are welcome to get checked for nerve interference for a lifetime; we have lots of lifetime practice members!
What can I do to be healthier and support my chiropractic care?
Obviously, a clear nervous system free of interference isn’t the only thing your body needs in order to be optimally healthy…but it is a good start! Try implementing these top three picks for creating the healthiest you:
1. Basics! Really think about what you are putting into your body with respect to food, drink plenty of water and take your basic supplements: Vit. D, Omega 3 EFA’s, and probiotics.
2. Movement is incredibly important for a healthy nervous system. Address malfunctions in movement patterns and get a healthy dose of strength training, stretching and mobility.
3. Quality Sleep: Go to bed early in a dark room with no electronics. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! We are happy to point you in the right direction for the help you need!