The Consultation
Upon your first visit to Cafe of Life Chiropractic Barrie, the consultation gives us a chance to sit down with you and have a conversation about your health concerns, history (including stressors), and future health goals.
There is no charge for the consultation. It exists for us to make sure you are in the right place to get the help you need and for you to learn a bit about what we do and don’t do.
If there is an indication that your concerns may be linked to the functioning of your spine and nervous system then we can continue with the exam.
Our forms can be found here
The Examination
The purpose of the examination is threefold:
1. To assess the current state of your spine and nervous system.
2. Determine if there are any malfunctions of the spine that are directly affecting your level of health.
3. Learn what level of care (including frequency) is necessary to solve your problem and reach your goals.
The examination consists of four tests:
1. Thermography Study—all ages
Thermography is used to measure how well your brain and spine and communicating to the rest of your body. This test measures how well your autonomic nervous system is functioning. Autonomic nervous system is a part of your nervous system that controls organs and glands.
2. Surface Electromyography (sEMG)—8 yrs+
sEMG is used to measure the small, but vitally important postural muscles surrounding your spine. These muscles support our structure and tell a story about how efficiently you are using your energy. The more imbalances in your spine and nervous system, the more the test results will help determine where the tight and weak muscles of your spine are and, most importantly, how those muscles are distorting your spine.
3. Heart Rate Variability—8 yrs+
This is the most important test because it measures your overall health and adaptability. The more adaptable you are the faster you will heal.
4. Hands on Spine Palpation and other Neurological Function tests.
After your Nervous System Function scans, the doctor will be checking your posture and physically examining your spine to locate any areas of malfunction.
Once the examination is complete we have some homework to do!
We will spend time analyzing the tests and have the results ready for your next visit. The results of the tests will tell us:
1. Exactly what is happening
2. What options you have
3. How we can help you
4. How long it will take
5. How much it will cost
On your second visit we will go over in detail the results that we’ve found and once all of your questions have been answered, and you and your doctor can agree to a plan of action that will solve your problem, you can start your care immediately.
What is a COREscore?
COREscore combines the newest and most powerful technologies that assess spinal neural function: surface EMG, paraspinal thermography, and Heart Rate Variability. The score is your combined result from the 3 nervous system function tests performed during the examination and re-examinations. The COREscore gives us an accurate snapshot of how chronic stress is affecting overall health.
These peer reviews technologies take the guessing game out of results. We can measure and track changes not based solely on how you are feeling, but on how your body is functioning so that you can achieve the results you want.
We don’t guess; we test! #cafeoflifebarrie